It draws its power from three special unremovable power cells, and it generates power from a built-in solar array during daylight hours. Lifepod 5 consumes and produces power much like a seabase. Each generator will work to fill its own internal storage capacity and will not fill the capacity of other generators. Power is drawn from the oldest generator first, regardless of the type of generator. The Power Transmitter can be used to connect generators to bases across greater distances.

Power transmission is represented by a thin glowing blue line connecting an external generator to the base. Seabases will draw power from internal generators ( Bioreactors or Nuclear Reactors) installed inside the base and from any external generators ( Solar Panels or Thermal Plants) within power transmission range. Seabases require energy to produce breathable air and to power appliances such as the Fabricator, Power Cell Charger, and Battery Charger.