Here's an example snippet for your XML configuration file: Also be sure to mirror the required directory structure within your share folder, or change the LoadFolder and SaveFolder values in the XML file. This XML file is created for you upon first loading the emulator and entering/exiting Preferences. You must provide a username, password, share name, and IP address to log in to the file server (in settings.xml). From Network (via SMB) Using the emulator via network requires that your Wii is configured for your wireless network, and that you've set up a file share.

ROMs can be burned to a DVD-/+R (4.7GB max size & ISO 9660 file format).Generally, all images you find will be in this format, but if you run across one that isn't please download RTOOL which will allow you to convert the image into SMC format. Your SNES rom images must be in SMC, SFC, SWC, or FIG format. Done! Loading Games By default, roms are loaded from 'snes9xgx/roms/'.Copy the installer files to your SD/USB device.You must have FCE Ultra GX installed in one of these locations. This channel tries load apps/fceugx/boot.dol from SD or USB.You must have 1.0.8+ running on IOS58 to run the installer.Wii Channel and were gracious enough to create an official Wii Channel. Remember to also create the snes9xgx directory structure required. If you already have the channel installed, just copy over the apps folder included in the archive into the root of your SD card. Via Homebrew Channel The most popular method of running homebrew on the Wii is through the Homebrew Channel. Settings screen Setup & Installation Unzip the archive's contents directly to the root of your SD or USB device. Download: Snes9x GX Cheat Files 20101030.

Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo(SFC) emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube.

Snes9x GX Cheat Files is a cheat file for Snes9x GX. Snes9x GX Cheat Files 20101030 is released. EmuCR.Com,Latest emulators for PS3,Wii,PS2,Xbox360,Xbox,PS,NDS,PSP,GBA,N64,DC,Arcade and many other systems.